
Childcare Audit

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Any development plans contain an objective that for residential development proposals of over 75 units, regard should be had to providing a childcare facility to accommodate at least 20 children. This recommendation is caveated with a clause that the threshold should be established having regard to the existing geographical distribution of childcare facilities and the emerging demographic profile of areas.

McCutcheon Halley can prepare a Childcare Audit on your behalf that will establish the need or otherwise for including a childcare facility within your development proposal.

Having established the baseline, we will then analyse the information to provide a robust evidence-based report that will determine if there is sufficient existing capacity available to meet the predicted need of the proposed scheme. If it is concluded that a childcare facility is required to be provided as part of the residential scheme, we will advise on the number of places that should be facilitated by the development.

 Our approach is to:


  • Establish the existing population profile of the area and emerging trends
  • Establish the need that would arise once your scheme is occupied
  • Determine the existing provision and use of childcare facilities available within the catchment