• Coming together is the beginning.
  • Working together is progress.
  • Trusting each other is success!
  • Coming together is the beginning.
  • Working together is progress.
  • Trusting each other is success!
  • Coming together is the beginning.
  • Working together is progress.
  • Trusting each other is success!
  • Meet the McCutcheon Halley Team

    Over 400+ Years of Combined Planning and Environmental Consultancy Expertise.

    Tom Halley


    Paula Galvin


    Susan R. Cullen


    Màiri Henderson


    Louise O'Leary

    Associate Director

    Martina Keenan Rivero

    Associate Director 

    Orla O' Sullivan

    Associate Director 

    Rachel Condon

    Associate Director 

    Andrea McAuliffe

    Senior Planning Consultant

    Cora Savage

    Senior Planning Consultant

    Majella O'Callaghan

    Senior Planning Consultant

    Michelle O’Shea

    Senior Planning Consultant

    Anika Haget

    executive Planning Consultant

    Caroline Roche

    executive Planning Consultant

    Ignatius Lo

    executive Planning Consultant

    Muireann Carroll

    Executive Planning consultant

    Schalk Van Heerden

    executive Planning Consultant

    Saoirse Kavanagh

    executive Planning Consultant

    Sarah Carroll

    Executive Planning Consultant

    Aida Vaisvilaite

    Planning Consultant

    Cian Murphy

    planning consultant

    Ciaran Dineen

    planning consultant

    Ciarán McMahon

    Planning consultant

    Matt Williamson

    planning consultant 

    Áine Mccarthy

    Planning Consultant

    Cailin McNamee

    Graduate planning consultant

    Hannah Watchorn

    Graduate planning consultant

    Laura Giffney

    Graduate planning consultant

    Clodagh Ronan CIPD

    Office & HR Administrator

    Emma Barry

    Senior Administration Support

    Mairead Sheehan

    Financial Administrator

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    See our careers...

    Brian is the founding Director of McCutcheon Halley.

    A graduate of University College Dublin, Brian was employed by Cork County Council for 24 years where he served as Senior Planner for both planning policy and development management. He was also responsible for European projects. During this time Brian was directly involved in the preparation of the Cork Land Use and Transportation Study (LUTS) and the Cork Area Strategic Plan (CASP).

    Since leaving the local authority service in 2000, Brian has provided planning advice on a wide range of planning issues to public, semi-state and private sector clients. During that period Brian has made many submissions to City, County and Local Area Plans. He has also led design teams on major planning applications for residential, retail, industrial and energy projects.

    While Brian has a wide range of experience, he has particular expertise in the legal and procedural aspects of planning and strategic and infrastructural projects.

    Professional Memberships:

    • Corporate Member of the Irish Planning Institute

    Academic Qualifications:

    • BA Dip Town Planning, Economics, Urban and Regional Planning

    Areas of Expertise: 

    • Legal and Procedural Aspects of Planning
    • Strategic and Infrastructural Projects

    Tom is a Director in our Cork office and has over 22 years of experience in both the public and private sectors. Before joining McCutcheon Halley, Tom worked in the Cork County Council’s Planning Policy Unit where he played a key role in developing local planning policy as well as working closely with the Department of the Environment in the preparation of national planning guidelines.

    Managing projects for a diverse and wide range of clients, Tom’s knowledge and experience have ensured that planning has been achieved for some of the largest housing, commercial and infrastructure projects nationally, facilitating the delivery of these schemes.

    Tom has particular expertise in planning policy, development management and planning law and is regularly involved in projects that require environmental impact assessment. He also provides expert witness testimony relating to professional planning opinions for matters that are before the courts or subject to arbitration hearings. Tom has the vision and understanding to help clients realise the full potential of their property. With his expertise, projects are guided successfully through an increasingly complex planning system.

    Professional Memberships:

    • Corporate Member of the Irish Planning Institute

    Academic Qualifications:

    • Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture
    • Bachelor’s Degree in Science and Geography
    • Master’s Degree in Regional and Urban Planning

    Areas of Expertise:

    • Planning Policy
    • Development Management
    • Planning Law
    • Environmental Impact Assessments
    • Expert Witness Testimony
    • Arbitration Hearings

    Paula is a director in our Dublin office and has over 20 years of experience in successfully delivering both planning and environmental consents. She aims to provide clear advice on realistic outcomes to clients and to deliver direction on the best approach to take in an increasingly complex planning system.

    Having worked in both development and consultancy roles, Paula understands that planning advice cannot be provided in a vacuum. There is a myriad of factors that influence development proposals, and a balance must be achieved to ensure that projects remain viable for the client while working within the parameters of relevant policy and legislation.

    Paula manages a diverse range of projects including residential, infrastructure, retail and renewable energy generation. Her reports provide a narrative that ensures the benefits of development are easily understood by decision-makers and stakeholders. She has particular expertise in environmental planning and regularly directs EIA development proposals.

    Paula is a member of the Irish Planning Institute’s Policy and Research Committee and the Institute of Environmental Assessment (IEMA) in these positions Paula seeks to shape the direction of planning and environmental policy in Ireland.

    Academic Qualifications:

    • MSc in Spatial Planning from Dublin Institute of Technology
    • M.A. in Geography from University College Dublin
    • Diploma in EIA and SEA Management from University College Dublin
    • Diploma in Planning and Environmental Law from Kings Inns

    Academic Experience:

    • Lectures planning modules part-time at TU Dublin and supervision of student’s thesis

    Areas of Expertise:

    • Strategic Infrastructure Development
    • Mixed-use Urban Development
    • Renewable Energy (Bioenergy, Wind and Solar)
    • Masterplanning & Feasibility Studies
    • Environmental Planning
    • Environmental Impact Assessment

    Sue is a Director in our Cork office with over 22 years of post-qualification experience in both public and private sector roles. She has a reputation for delivering consent within the minimum planning timeframe.

    Sue’s principal areas of expertise include; the management of multi-disciplinary teams, and preparing planning applications for small and large-scale infrastructure projects including residential, commercial, retail, education and waste management. She has significant experience in preparing planning appeals and retail impact assessments and provides post-decision advice relating to compliance issues.

    Through a hands-on approach, client focus and proactive advice, Sue guides clients and design teams through the development management process. She is known for providing practical solutions to assist clients in overcoming barriers to realise their development aspirations.

    Professional Memberships:

    • Corporate member of the Irish Planning Institute

    Academic Qualifications:

    • Honours Degree in Environmental Studies, Urban and Regional Planning

    Areas of Expertise:

    • Planning Policy
    • Development Management
    • Planning Law
    • Master Planning
    • Environmental Impact Assessments

    Màiri is a Director in our Cork office, with over 22 years of planning and housing experience. She has 20 years’ experience in the private sector successfully delivering planning consents, negotiating Part V housing agreements, coordinating the delivery of reports for Environmental Impact Assessments and providing strategic advice on housing and planning policy.

    Màiri worked for 6 years as an academic researcher at the University of Aberdeen, where her work focused on housing, planning and rural policy. She then worked in community development for 3 years, before joining Cork County Council as their Housing Strategy Officer, responsible for coordination and delivery of the first Housing Strategy prepared in County Cork.

    Màiri is a member of the Royal Town Planning Institute and the Chartered Institute of Housing. She provides focused and steady guidance on complex development projects, from framing a supportive policy context through project inception, navigating the planning and environmental consent process and supporting clients in meeting compliance requirements to deliver successful and viable developments.

    Professional Memberships: 

    • Member of the Royal Town Planning Institute
    • Member of the Chartered Institute of Housing

    Areas of Expertise:

    • Planning Consents
    • Strategic Advice on Housing and Planning Policy
    • Part V Housing Agreements
    • Environmental Impact Assessments

    Louise is an Associate Director in the Dublin office. 

    With over 16 years of experience in private practice, Louise brings a wealth of experience, skills and knowledge.  Louise has successfully directed and contributed to the preparation of a vast array of planning and development projects from small-scale housing developments to large-scale mixed-use Strategic Housing Developments, to infrastructural and community / open space developments throughout the country.  Louise is also proficient in the coordination, preparation, and review of Environmental Impact Reports for a variety of projects.

    Professional Memberships:

    • Irish Planning Institute 

    Academic Qualifications:

    • Masters in Regional and Urban Planning from University College Dublin
    • Certificate in Environmental Sustainability from University College Dublin

    Martina is an Associate Director in our Dublin office with over 8 years planning experience in both public and private sector roles. She has a reputation for efficiently and effectively responding to issues as they arise throughout the planning process.

    Since joining the company in 2019 Martina has worked on a wide variety of projects including the coordination and preparation of a variety of planning applications from small to large scale residential developments, commercial and industrial projects. She has successfully led multi-disciplinary teams to secure permission, guiding them through the development management process and overcoming the challenges associated with an increasingly complex planning system.

    Martina also has significant experience in the preparation of Environmental Impact Assessment Reports, Strategic Masterplans, Planning Appeals, Section 5 Declarations, Planning Appraisals, Planning Compliance and Planning Policy Submissions.

    Professional Memberships:

    • Corporate Member of the Irish Planning Institute
    • Licentiate Member of the Royal Town Planning Institute

    Academic Qualifications:

    • BSc (Hons) in Spatial Planning from Technological University Dublin
    • Advanced Diploma in Planning and Environmental Law from Kings Inns

    Areas of Expertise:

    • Comprehensive understanding of planning law and process
    • Excellent analytical skills and attention to detail
    • Extensive experience in identifying project-specific issues and developing appropriate planning solutions to secure the best possible planning outcomes for clients
    • Exemplary report writing skills
    • Accomplished researcher

    Orla is an Associate Director with over 10 years of private sector experience.

    Orla has extensive experience in successfully managing, coordinating and preparing planning applications for many projects of varying scales, from small-scale housing and large mixed-use/residential developments (including Strategic Housing Developments), educational, tourism, industrial and commercial developments, as well as purpose-built student accommodation. She also has experience in Oral Hearing attendance, stakeholder engagement and the preparation of planning policy submissions, planning compliance and enforcement, site appraisals and feasibility assessments, Section 5 Declarations, first and third-party appeals, as well as Environmental Impact Assessment Reports.

    Orla is proactive in the advancement of the company, playing an integral role in its continued development including her contribution to the preparation and implementation of McCutcheon Halley’s Graduate Training Programme, and responsibility for cross-office training to educate other staff members on the planning application validation process to ensure consistency in the quality of applications being submitted.

    Coming from an architectural background, Orla has a particular understanding of design and possesses technical skills in critical thinking and analysis. Orla is detail-driven, ensuring the delivery of considered planning strategies and effective multidisciplinary working. Given her knowledge base and variety of experience, she is a skilled town planner who offers targeted and informed advice to her clients, leading to successful planning outcomes.

    Professional Memberships:

    • Corporate Member of the Irish Planning Institute

    Academic Qualifications:

    • Masters in Planning and Sustainable Development from University College Cork
    • BSc (Hons) in Architectural Technology from Cork Institute of Technology

    Areas of Expertise:

    • Large-Scale Residential Schemes
    • Rural Housing
    • Planning Policy Submissions
    • Planning Compliance and Enforcement
    • Site Appraisals and Feasibility Assessments
    • Section 5 Declarations and Referrals
    • First and Third Party Appeals
    • Environmental Impact Assessment
    • Planning Application Validation

    Rachel is an Associate Director in our Dublin office and previously worked in Planning in Sydney, Australia.

    Rachel has successfully coordinated and prepared planning applications for a variety of projects, from medium scale housing developments and large residential estates including Strategic Housing Developments, to student accommodation and commercial developments. She also has experience in the preparation of planning policy submissions, site appraisals and assessments, first and third-party appeals, Environmental Impact Assessment Reports and more recently Large-scale Residential Development planning applications.

    Rachel has a particular understanding of the commercial realities of delivering projects and possesses skills in critical thinking and analysis. Rachel is outcome driven and provides an efficient client-based approach in the management of the planning process, realising the timely completion of projects to a high standard. Her cross-disciplinary understanding has enabled her to work for a diverse range of clients. Rachel adopts a strong ability to build rapport and strong working relationships with both her clients and team members.

    Professional Memberships:

    • Licentiate member of the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI)
    • Corporate member with the Irish Planning Institute (IPI)

    Academic Qualifications:

    • Master’s in Planning and Sustainable Development obtained from University College Cork

    Areas of Expertise:

    • Large-Scale Residential Schemes
    • Mixed-Use
    • Commercial 

    Andrea is a Senior Planning Consultant in our Cork Office. She manages medium to large scale projects for clients and proactively engages with different design teams to ensure a timely delivery and positive outcome on projects. Andreas experience covers a wide range of projects including residential, commercial/office, mixed use, retail, waste and tourism developments. Her experience also includes planning appraisals, planning applications, Strategic Housing Developments (SHD), Large Scale Residential Developments (LRD), Part 8 Developments, Development and Local area Plan Submissions, Section 5 Declarations, Planning Compliance and Enforcement, Site Research, Planning Appeals, Appropriate Assessment and EIA Screening Reports. Andrea has also been part of Oral Hearings and Judicial Review proceedings. 

    Andrea works closely with Company Directors and Clients to develop a planning strategy for sites which reflects current planning policy and best practices. Her organisational skills and enthusiasm for new challenges have made her an invaluable member of the team. Andrea’s keen eye for detail is evident in all aspects of her work and she plays a key role in ensuring consistency in applications. 

    Professional Memberships: 

    • Corporate Member of the Irish Planning Institute

    Academic Qualifications: 

    • Honours Masters Degree in Planning and Sustainable Development 
    • Honours Bachelors Degree in Geography and Sociology  

    Academic Experience:  

    • Introduction to AutoCAD beginners course
    • Certificate in EIA Report Preparation and InDesign Training

    Areas of Expertise:

    • InDesign
    • Large Scale Residential Development
    • Planning Dates Queries
    • Part 8 Developments
    • Planning Dates Queries
    • Validation

    Cora is a Senior Planning Consultant in our Cork office. Cora holds an Honours Master’s Degree in Planning and Sustainable Development, as well as a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Degree and a Professional Diploma in Education from University College Cork. Cora first joined MH Planning in 2014 as an intern before re-joining the company in 2016 as a Planning Consultant.

    Since joining the company Cora has successfully coordinated and prepared planning applications for a wide variety of projects including large residential schemes, student accommodation, and commercial and industrial developments. During this time, she has gained extensive experience in the management of planning applications from the inception stage to the appeal stage.

    Cora has a reputation for efficiently and effectively responding to issues as they arise throughout the planning process. Cora is very detail-driven, ensuring the delivery of successful planning strategies.

    Cora has particular experience in the preparation of Large-Scale Residential Schemes including Strategic Housing Development applications, design statements, first and third-party appeals, Section 5 declarations, planning appraisals, Development Plans and Local Area Plan submissions as well as the preparation of Environmental Impact Assessment Reports and Retail Strategies.

    Professional Memberships:

    • Corporate Member of the Irish Planning Institute

    Academic Qualifications:

    • Honours Master’s Degree in Planning and Sustainable Development
    • Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Degree in Geography and Archaeology
    • Professional Diploma in Education from University College Cork

    Areas of Expertise:

    • Large-Scale Residential
    • Schemes / Strategic Housing Developments
    • Design Statements
    • Extension of Duration Applications
    • First and Third Party Appeals
    • Section 5 Declarations
    • Planning Appraisals
    • Development Plan and Local Area Plan Submissions
    • Environmental Impact Assessment Reports
    • Retail Strategies

    Majella joined MHP in March 2020 and is a Senior Planning Consultant in our Cork office. Majella gained experience as a Planner in Australia in 2011 where she worked in the Local Government where she assessed a range of planning applications, offered pre-planning advice to applicants and agents and created relationships with key stakeholders.

    In 2018, Majella returned to Ireland to work in a Planning Consultancy in Cork and over the last number of years she has gained significant experience in the coordination and preparation of a variety of planning applications including small – large scale housing developments, purpose-built student accommodation, healthcare, industrial and commercial developments. She also has experience in the preparation of planning policy submissions, planning compliance and enforcement, site appraisals and assessments, Section 5 Declarations as well as first and third-party appeals. Majella has also managed and inputted into many Environmental Impact Assessment Reports.

    Majella has gained extensive knowledge overseas, has a strong work ethic and is a valuable part of the team managing a wide variety of multidisciplinary projects.

    Professional Memberships:

    • Corporate Member of the Irish Planning Institute

    Academic Qualifications:

    • BA (Hons) Geography and Economics from University College Cork
    • MSc Urban and Regional Planning, Heriot Watt Edinburgh, UK
    • Diploma in Project Management, Central Institute of Technology, Perth, Australia

    Areas of Expertise:

    • Healthcare
    • Nursing homes
    • Residential developments

    Michelle is a Senior Planning Consultant with over 11 years of experience having previously worked with a multinational environmental and planning consultancy firm in both Australia and the U.K. Michelle gained extensive knowledge overseas through her involvement in a wide variety of sectors ranging from residential, commercial, retail, tourism, leisure and energy.

    Michelle has successfully coordinated and prepared planning applications for a variety of projects, from small housing developments and large residential estates including Strategic Housing Developments to industrial and commercial developments. She also has experience in the preparation of planning policy submissions, planning compliance and enforcement, site appraisals and assessments, Section 5 Declarations, and first and third-party appeals.

    Michelle is a detail-orientated person and she sets a high standard of quality for others to follow. She is known for her proactive engagement with clients, design teams and competent authorities and addresses issues as they arise to avoid later delays.

    Professional Memberships:

    • Licentiate member of the Royal Town Planning Institute 

    Academic Qualifications:

    • Masters in Town Planning and Sustainable Development
    • Bachelor of Arts Degree in Geography
    Areas of Expertise:

    • Residential 
    • Commerical 

    Anika is an Executive Planning Consultant in our Dublin office and previously worked as a Planner with CWPA in Ireland, as well as for the internationally operating Architecture, Urbanism and Landscape office ADEPT from Denmark and a German planning and engineering consultancy.

    Anika has been involved in the preparation of planning applications for a variety of projects, from small housing developments and large residential estates including Strategic Housing Developments to industrial, commercial, education and agricultural developments. She also has experience in the preparation of planning policy submissions, site appraisals and assessments, Masterplans and first and third-party appeals.

    Coming from an urban design background, Anika has a wide range of design and graphical skills and is trained in critical thinking and analysis. Typical for Anika’s planning approach is the consideration of a project from all perspectives, taking into account spatial, functional and economic as well as social and environmental aspects.

    Professional Memberships:

    • Graduate IPI member 

    Academic Qualifications:

    • Bachelor of Engineering, Geoinformation and Municipal Services from Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences

    • Erasmus Program at TU Dublin in Spatial Planning (BSc) and Sustainable Development (MSc)

    • Master of Science, Urban Planning from HafenCity University Hamburg

    • Professional Diploma, Innovation for Sustainability from University College Cork

    Areas of Expertise:

    • Sustainable Development
    • Urban Design

    Caroline joined the McCutcheon Halley team as an Executive Planning Consultant in early 2024. Caroline has extensive knowledge of the planning system having built up 17 years’ experience, largely in an Oxfordshire based local planning authority but latterly as a self-employed consultant.  Caroline spent several years in the Major Developments team at the Local Authority.  During this time she was lead officer for applications for large scale residential developments, rural exception sites, the District’s first wind farm proposal, solar farms, changes of use, retail, commercial and agricultural proposals and new marina developments. Caroline was involved in many projects from the pre-application stage through to determination, the latter at times being through the appeal process.

    During her time as a self-employed Consultant. Caroline focused on small scale residential schemes, farm diversification projects, developments affecting heritage assets, and planning appeals, working with a number of the local architects,  other planning consultants and professional bodies to produce thorough submissions and help secure planning permissions. 

    Academic Qualifications :

    • 2006 MA (with Distinction) Town Planning, Birmingham City University, England
    • 2002 BA (Hons) Human Geography and Criminolgy, University of Glamorgan, South Wales


    Professional Memberships

    • Member of the Royal Town Planning Institute.


    Ignatius is an Executive Planning Consultant in our Dublin office. Ignatius previously worked as a Senior Planner & Technical Manager in both Ireland and the UK; also worked as a Retail Consultancy Executive with Knight Frank in Hong Kong (Asia).

    Ignatius has successfully coordinated and prepared planning applications for a variety of projects, from small development as wireless telecommunication structure and equipment and large renewable energy development and Strategic Infrastructure Development (SID) such as Solar Farms (70 to 650 acres / 25MW to 200MW), Battery Energy Storage System and Grid Routes development. He also has experience in the preparation of planning policy submissions, planning compliance and enforcement, site appraisals and assessments, First and Third-party appeals, meeting with Council’s officers on-site and online, Section 5 Declarations, License Notification, as well as Environmental Impact Assessment Reports.

    Coming with experience in different fields in Planning, Design and Valuation, Ignatius has a particular understanding of design and possesses technical skills in critical thinking and analysis. Ignatius is skilled in data analysis, surveying, and graphic presentation using software such as ArcGIS, QGIS, SketchUp, WindPro, Autodesk AEC (AutoCAD, InfraWorks, Revit & 3d Max), Adobe Photoshop and Twinmotion.

    Ignatius is meticulous in detail, ensuring the delivery of successful planning applications and strategies and effective multidisciplinary and great teamwork.


    Professional Memberships:

    • Chartered Member of Royal Town Planning Institute 
    • Graduate Member of Irish Planning Institute 
    • Practitioner Member of Institute of Environmental Management & Assessment 

    Academic Qualifications:

    • MPlan Town and Regional Planning – University of Liverpool (UK) 
    • Advanced Diploma in Planning and Environmental Law – The Honorable Society of King’s Inn 


    Areas of Expertise:

    • Planning: Renewable Energy (Solar Farm, Battery Storage & Grid Connection)
    • Wireless Telecommunication Structures (Lattice, Monopole, Streetworks & Rooftop equipment).
    • Planning Application submission and action to decision
    • Validation Checking & LVIA Report etc.
    • Technical: Survey, Photomontage Report, GIS, Planning Drawings, 3D modelling & Drone survey

    Muireann is an Executive Planning Consultant in our Cork Office having joined the company in December 2021.

    Muireann has successfully supported the team in the delivery of a wide range of projects, from small to large-scale (1000+ units) housing developments, to industrial and commercial developments. Muireann is one of the lead planners involved in renewable energy projects for the company, with extensive experience of the solar energy sector. She also has experience in the preparation of planning reports and site appraisals, Section 5 Declarations, planning compliance and masterplan documents.

    Muireann has a keen interest in the legal aspect of the planning process and takes a diligent and analytical approach to her work. She is detail-oriented, supporting the Company in its commitment to delivering
    consultancy services of a high standard.

    Professional Memberships:

    • Member of the Irish Planning Institute

    Academic Qualifications:

    • First Class Honours Degree, M.Plan Planning and Sustainable Development (2019-2021)

    Areas of Expertise:

    • Renewable Energy (Solar)
    • Commercial

    Schalk is an Executive Planning Consultant and GIS Coordinator in our Cork office and previously worked as a Senior Consultant in Dublin.

    Schalk has a wealth of experience from working across multiple sectors, he holds two master’s degrees and is registered with professional bodies in town planning and geographic information systems. Schalk has assisted in the drafting of numerous types of planning applications within the UK and Ireland over the last three years. His socio-economic profiling and cartographic representations provide the basis from which planning arguments are formulated. He has conducted retail impact assessments, social infrastructure audits, housing need and demand analysis, socio-economic profiles for bespoke areas as well as counties, multi-criteria analysis.

    Coming from a geography background, Schalk has a particular understanding of geographic information system and possesses cartographic skills which enables him to take a data driven approach to town planning. Schalk is skilled in using programmes such as AcrGIS Pro, QGIS, PostGIS etc.

    Professional Memberships:

    • Licentiate Member of the Royal Town Planning Institute

    • GISc Professional with the South African Geomatics Council

    Academic Qualifications:

    • Master’s in city and regional planning

    • Post-graduate in city and regional planning

    • Master’s degree in geography and environmental studies

    • Post-graduate degree GIS

    • BA in development and environmental management

    Academic Experience:

    Lecturer at the Geography Department of the University of South Africa 2011 to 2016, teaching the geography of service provision, cartography, geographic information systems, supervising the research projects of postgraduate students, and co-author of two publications:

    Panek J. and van Heerden SW., 2013, “Participatory GIS for water provision and community planning – Case study Koffiekraal, South Africa”, available online at: ResearchGate

    van Heerden SW. and Donaldson SE., 2013, “Cape Town CBD foreign street traders INC.”, available online at: Academia.edu

    Areas of Expertise:

    • Geographic Information System
    • Cartography
    • Data Analysis

    Saoirse is an Executive Planning Consultant in our Cork office and previously worked as a Planner in Dublin.

    Saoirse has successfully coordinated and prepared planning applications for a variety of projects from small scale and large-scale residential schemes, including Strategic Housing Developments and Large-Scale Residential Developments, to commercial and tourist developments. She has experience in the preparation of Environmental Impact Assessment Reports, first- and third-party appeals, planning compliance submissions, and planning policy submissions.

    Saoirse is detail driven, ensuring the delivery of high quality and successful planning applications.

    Professional Memberships:

    • Graduate IPI member and Licentiate RPTI Member

    Academic Qualifications:

    • Undergraduate: Arts International in UCC with a major in Geography and a minor in Irish.
    • Post-graduate: Master’s in Planning and Sustainable Development in UCC.

    Sarah is an Executive Planning Consultant in our Cork office and previously worked as a Planning Officer for Southhams Local Authority in Devon in the UK. 

    Her work there capitalised on experience in policy and the delivery of expert planning advice and recommendations on live planning applications and pre-planning applications. Overseeing a comprehensive caseload, she navigated the intricacies of development management, from application initiation to conclusion. Her responsibilities included validating applications, undergoing site meetings, engaging with consultees and ensuring a meticulous approach from inception to delivery. 

    Part of the process of each application included seeking and critically reviewing Sustainable Urban Drainage Schemes (SUDs), Flood Risk Assessments (FRA), percolation calculations, Preliminary Ecological Appraisals, Heritage Assessments, Tree Surveys, Climate Action Plans and Construction Management Plans. Engaging confidently with the public and members of the Planning Committee was a significant element to her position. 

    Sarah has also worked for Cork City Council Planning Policy Department in 2015 via their intern program and Brady Shipman and Martin in 2014 putting together a submission for the Green Capital Awards.  

    Sarah recently relocated back to Ireland to be closer to family and is thrilled to be working as part of the McCutcheon Halley team. 

    Academic Qualifications :

    • 2014 Master’s in Planning and Sustainable Development from University College Cork
    • 2011 Bachelor in Social Sciences from University College Cork

    Professional Memberships

    • Corporate member of the Irish Planning Institute
    • Licentiate member of the Royal Planning Institute

    Areas of Expertise:
    • Analytical, problem-solving, report-writing 
    • Strong communication, critical thinking and organisational skills 
    • Teamwork with ability to manage individual caseload 
    • Project-management and negotiation skills 
    • Effectively managing productivity and meeting deadline 
    • Presenting cases or research clearly and concisely on complex planning issues 

    Aida is a Planning Consultant based in our Cork Office, bringing valuable experience from her previous role within a project management consultancy. With a focus on site appraisals & assessments, and planning reviews of residential and mixed-use developments, Aida is adept at navigating the intricacies of development planning. 

    Her expertise extends to conducting condition compliance checks and facilitating the development bond remediation processes. Aida also has experience third-party appeal submissions, advocating for clients’ interests.  

    In addition to her consultancy work, Aida actively contributes to advancing best practices in planning, staying informed of emerging trends and regulatory changes.  

    Academic Qualifications:

    • BA (Hons) English and German from University College Cork
    • Masters in Planning and Sustainable Development (MPlan)


    Cian is a Planning Consultant in our Dublin office, who joined the team in March 2024. He has significant experience in the preparation of site appraisals, planning applications, and accompanying reports, such as social infrastructure audits. Cian has also prepared detailed analyses of statistical releases, legal rulings, policy documents, and legislation.

    Cian has a particular expertise in all forms of transportation, and an interest in public participation and equality. During his time in the MRUP programme, his research focused on assessing the empowerment of citizens in public consultations for Irish transportation projects. With his background in mathematics, Cian also has a strong analytical and statistical skills.

    Professional Memberships:

    • Graduate Member of the Irish Planning Institute
    • Licentiate Member of the Royal Town Planning Institute

    Academic Qualifications:

    • Master of Regional and Urban Planning (MRUP), University College Dublin
    • Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics, Trinity College Dublin


    Ciaran is a Planning Consultant in our Cork office, who recently joined the team after he graduated from University College Cork in June 2022

    Ciaran has already been involved in several projects since joining the company, helping to coordinate and prepare planning applications, from small housing developments and Large Residential Developments to commercial developments. He also has some experience in the preparation of site appraisals and assessments, pre-planning applications, third-party appeals and LVIAs.

    Coming from a political science background, Ciaran has a particular understanding of the working dynamic between local government and the planning process, understanding the relationship that exists between local councillors, Council staff and design teams. Since the age of 16, Ciaran has also worked as a freelance journalist, mostly covering sports and current affairs, allowing him to develop good working relationships with political figures across Cork. He has also written several opinion pieces for The Echo on the theme of urban planning.

    Ciaran is enthusiastic about beginning work with McCutcheon Halley and is looking forward to developing new skills on his journey to becoming a chartered town planner.

    Professional Memberships:

    • Student Member of the Irish Planning Institute
    • Student Member of the Royal Town Planning Institute

    Academic Qualifications:

    • Masters Degree in Planning and Sustainable Development (MPlan) from University College Cork
    • Bachelor of Science – BS, Political Science and Government

    Ciarán is a graduate planner in our Cork office, and he has recently completed a Master’s in Planning and Sustainable Development at University College Cork.

    Ciarán has acquired knowledge of a variety of sectors within planning, such as planning law, development management, appeals and strategic forward planning. He has experience in analysing planning applications, and report writing, and has also gained skills in analysing architectural drawings. He has also partaken in the Collaborative Town Centre Health Programme, in which he worked with his colleagues to gather data concerning building vacancy and footfall in Blarney, Co. Cork. Moreover, he also co-edited the subsequent report which addressed the findings from this study. Ciarán also has a passion for sustainable transport. This is reflected in his research paper conducted while doing his Masters degree, and this related to how planning can encourage cycling as a form of mixed-modal commuting in the Cork Metropolitan Area.

    Ciarán has also completed a BA International degree in Geography and Irish. As part of this, he spent a year studying at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. During this time, he gained an interest in planning due to the high emphasis placed on sustainable transport and mixed-use development.

    Ciarán works excellently in group settings and has also developed leadership and communication skills during his time as a class representative in the second year of his Masters in Planning and Sustainable Development.

    Professional Memberships:

    • Student Member of the Irish Planning Institute 
    • Student Member of the Royal Town Planning Institute

    Academic Qualifications:

    • BA International Degree (Geography and Irish)
    • Masters in Planning and Sustainable Development (MPlan)

    Matt is a Graduate Planning Consultant in our Cork office, who recently joined the team in June 2022.

    Matt has successfully worked as part of a planning team to prepare planning applications for a variety of projects, from small housing developments to solar farms and has also worked closely with the Port of Cork to develop briefing notes related to BusConnects and Off-shore Renewable Energy developments. He also has experience in the preparation of planning policy submissions, planning compliance, site appraisals and assessments, pre-planning consultations, reviewing policy and the preparation of critical analysis reports.

    Whilst studying for his MPlan, Matt undertook work under the Collaborative Town Centre Health Programme, in which he worked with his MPlan colleagues to gather data concerning building vacancy and footfall in Blarney, Co. Cork. Additionally, Matt co-wrote a subsequent report which addressed the findings from this study. Matt completed his Master’s by undertaking a dissertation addressing the role of planning policy in the implementation of Nature-based Solutions to urban drainage.

    Matt brings a level of life experience to his role, drawing on a career in the hospitality sector that has honed his skills in communication, attention to detail, teamwork and leadership that drives him to deliver to a high standard. Matt is eager to start his new career at McCutcheon Halley and is looking forward to developing his skills as a planner.

    Professional Memberships:

    • Graduate Member of the Irish Planning Institute
    • Licentiate Member of the Royal Town Planning Institute

    Academic Qualifications: 

    • Masters in Planning & Sustainable Development (MPlan) from University College Cork 
    • BA Hons Degree in Geography with Sociology from University College Cork

    Áine is a Planning Consultant who joined our Cork office, in June 2023.

    Áine has completed a Bachelors in Geography and English from the University of Limerick and a Masters in Planning and Sustainable Development from University College of Cork. Over her time as a student, Áine was engaged with the planning society and was the conference director for the Annual Planning Conference 2023 in the University of Cork.

    Áine is enthusiastic about beginning work with McCutcheon Halley and is looking forward to developing new skills on in her planning career.

    Professional Memberships:

    • Student Member of the Irish Planning Institute
    • Student Member of the Royal Town Planning Institute

    Academic Qualifications:

    • Bachelor of Arts in Geography and English at University of Limerick
    • Master of Planning and Sustainable Development at University College of Cork


    Cailin is a Graduate Planning Consultant in our Cork office, who joined the team in May 2024.

    After completing a Bachelor’s degree in Geography with Sociology from University College of Cork, Cailin discovered her passion for sustainability and the environment. Following on from her degree she then went on to complete a Masters in Planning and Sustainable Development in University College of Cork.

    Cailin has already been involved in several projects since joining the company, from helping to prepare planning appraisals for Commercial Developments to helping co-ordinate planning applications for Large Residential Developments.

    Cailin is enthusiastic about beginning her career with McCutcheon Halley and is looking forward to developing new skills as a graduate planning consultant.

    Professional Memberships

    • Student Member of the Irish Planning Institute
    • Student Member of the Royal Town Planning Institute

    Academic Qualifications

    • Bachelors Degree in Geography with Sociology at University College of Cork
    • Masters in Planning and Sustainable Development at University College of Cork


    Hannah is a Graduate Planning Consultant who recently joined our Cork office, in June 2024. Hannah previously worked as a Strategic Planning intern with KPMG Future Analytics in Dublin.

    Hannah has completed a Bachelors in Tourism Marketing and Development from the Technological University of Dublin and a Masters’ in Planning and Sustainable Development from the University College of Cork. Hannah has experience conducting research reports for clients, from industry specific international best practice research projects to larger strategic area plans, such as the Kildare Failte – Strategic Plan 2021-2025.

    Hannah is enthusiastic about beginning work with McCutcheon Halley and is eager to develop new skills in her planning career.


    Professional Memberships:

    • Student Member of the Irish Planning Institute
    • Student Member of the Royal Town Planning Institute


    Academic Qualifications:

    • Bachelor of Science in Tourism Marketing and Development at Technological University of Dublin
    • Master of Planning and Sustainable Development at University College of Cork


    Laura has evolved from her roles as an intern and graduate planner in a variety of public and private sector firms to now serve as a Graduate Planning Consultant in our Dublin office.

    Laura has developed extensive knowledge in development management and forward planning from the initial stages of her career, being involved in delivering a range of both smaller scale, niche projects, as well as larger scale applications across Ireland. Laura has also gained experience in various disciplines such as project management and environmental management, actively contributing to projects within these fields in her previous workplaces.

    Laura particularly has a passion in planning policy, strategic development opportunities and feasibility assessments for sites. She also possesses skills in GIS, AutoCAD, 3D modelling in SolidWorks and Python coding.

    Professional Memberships:

    • Licentiate member of the Royal Town Planning Institute.
    • Graduate Member of the Irish Planning Institute.
    • A committee member of the Early Careers Planners Committee in the IPI

    Academic Qualifications:

    • Graduated in 2023 with a First Class Honors Degree in TUD B.Sc Spatial Planning course

    Clodagh is an experienced recruitment consultant having worked throughout the UK and Ireland over the last several years, specialising in the development of recruitment plans for both in-house hiring managers and external clients.

    Joining the admin team in 2022, Clodagh has recently completed her CIPD Diploma in Human Resource Practice. Clodagh’s role is to support all areas of administration and the ongoing development of the recruitment, HR and training functions.

    Professional Memberships:

    • CIPD Ireland
    • Recruitment & Employment Confederation UK

    Academic Qualifications:

    • Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing (gained from the college of University Trinity Saint David in Swansea)
    • Diploma in Human Resource Practice, gained from the National College of Ireland (NCI)

    Areas of Expertise:

    • Recruitment
    • Human Resources
    • Customer Service
    • Administration
    • Sales
    • Business Development

    Having joined the company in 2018, Emma is a Senior Administrator based in our Ballincollig office in Cork. Emma has developed a great understanding of the planning processes and the importance of planning deadlines. Emma works hand in hand with the Senior Management team and Planners to ensure the daily running of the office is smooth and efficient. 

    Emma’s key area of expertise within McCutcheon Halley is Critical Dates, coordinating and formatting Environmental Impact Assessment reports and the maintenance and retention of our ISO 9001 (Quality Management) accreditation.
    Emma has worked extensively within Finance, Sales & Marketing and Administration roles and disciplines. Having such a varied background has allowed Emma to support many areas across the business.

    Academic Qualifications:

    •  Completed studies in Business at MTU and Community Health at Cork College of Commerce

    Mairead joined McCutcheon Halley in 2001 and has established herself as an integral part of the company. She is a dedicated office management professional and provides executive support to both the Leadership Team and our team of planners.

    Very often the first point of contact for clients Mairead manages client accounts and all invoicing-related queries.

    In addition, Mairead organises and coordinates office administration and procedures, to ensure the efficient running of both offices on a day-to-day basis. Over the past 21 years, she has managed and developed the company’s office systems and processes to achieve efficiencies in operational practices.

    Areas of Expertise:

    • Office management
    • Financial and debt collection